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Vein Care How To Treat Varicose Veins

Dec 18

The veins in our legs and feet carry blood back to the heart. When a varicose vein forms, it can cause the blood vessels to swell and bulge under the skin. The veins may become blue, purple or red and appear twisted. For some, the pain caused by these swollen and twisted veins can be very severe.

Varicose veins form when the walls of a vein weaken. This can happen because of a condition called venous insufficiency (in-SEF-uh-sence), which means the valves that keep blood flowing normally aren’t working like they should. When this happens, the pressure on your veins is too high. The weakened walls of the veins also make them stretchy, so they bulge and twist under the surface of your skin. Varicose veins are usually close to the surface of your skin, so they are easy to see. Your doctor can diagnose them during a physical exam. Sometimes, your doctor may order other tests to find out the extent of your varicose veins and how serious your symptoms are.

Treatment for Vein Pain

Center For Advanced Vein Care for varicose veins, and most are minimally invasive. One of the most popular is sclerotherapy, which involves injecting the affected vein with a special solution that causes it to scar. The vein then collapses, forcing your body to reroute blood to other healthy veins. Your swollen and twisted vein will fade away over time. Sclerotherapy is done in your health care provider’s office and doesn’t require anesthesia.

Another option is to use compression stockings. These elastic stockings squeeze your veins to prevent blood from pooling in your leg veins. You can wear these stockings at home or when you travel, and they can help relieve your pain and discomfort from varicose veins. You can also take short walks and flex your leg muscles every 30 minutes to help circulate your blood.

In some cases, the most severe varicose veins can lead to a dangerous blood clot. This clot can break off and travel to your lungs, a condition called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This can be life-threatening. To reduce your risk of DVT, talk to your health care provider about getting varicose vein treatment early.

Center For Advanced Vein Care can help you choose the best treatment for your varicose or spider veins. When you schedule your Center For Advanced Vein Care appointment, we will complete a full exam that includes ultrasound and develop a customized plan for your veins. We’ll explain your options in clear terms and take care of all the necessary insurance paperwork. Our goal is to get you back to your normal life activities as quickly and safely as possible.