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Pregled radnika u medicini rada

Feb 22

Svrha obavljanja pregleda djelatnika zapravo je utvrđivanje radne sposobnosti za obavljanje određenih poslova. Ovom vrstom pregleda utvrđuje se kompletna zdravstvena sposobnost dje…

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What Is Hormone Therapy? A Comprehensive Guide

Feb 22

Hormone therapy is a type of therapy that utilizes hormonal agents to aid treat health and wellness conditions. It can be used to deal with a range of conditions, including hormone…

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Cardiac Malpractice Injuries

Feb 21

Disease or injury to the heart can occur. These are two completely distinct things. Heart disease (and its complications) kills more people in the United States than any other dise…

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Urologija - grana medicine

Feb 14

Urologija je grana medicine koja se bavi bolestima mokraćnog sustava muškaraca i žena. To uključuje bubrege, uretere, mokraćni mjehur i uretru. Urolozi su posebno obučeni za dijagn…

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Medicina rada u Gradu Osijeku

Feb 9

Služba medicine rada zapravo je sastavni i nezaobilazni dio većeg sustava koji se brine za smanjenje opasnosti i štetnosti na radu, siguran rad, te zaštitu zdravlja na radu djelatn…

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Strategies To Improve Your Front Office Management 

Feb 8

The front desk is basically a term that a medical facility uses for referring to the reception area and its personnel at a medical facility.    The receptionists are actually thos…

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Lucemyra vs Clonidine for Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

Feb 1

LOFEXIDINE VS CLONIDINE FOR OPIOID WITHDRAWAL When comparing Lucemyra vs. clonidine, there are a number of factors to consider. The former is an alternative to opioid agonists, an…

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